Welcome to our life change journey

Hi ! Let us introduce oursleves ~ Donna 'mama', Genaveve 4, and Summer-Rain 2, 'Dovein'. This is the story of our lives and where it is taking us now. The 'now' (the change) is what is exciting and limitless in possibilities.
The purpose of this journey and the reasons why it is transpiring, I believe, will be aligned with many other people who may often feel like, just, 'surviving' another day in the chaos of the world rather than 'inspirationally' living it.
Experiment ~ Living in a 3 bedroom rental home @ $380 per week with too much stuff, a back yard without shade and lawns to mow, domestics galore and bills I cannot keep up with, VS; Travelling around 'Australia' in a 'Toyota Hiace Commuter Van', (fitted as a campervan), a wished for, sponsored, 'Camper Trailer' (DONE~ Ok, not sponsored but universally provided at a great price) , and our lives consolidated into several 15 litre containers !
Leave Date: August 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Practising the 'ARTS' theory !

At the end of a day that began as fairly productive and motivating, I was left reflecting on myself and my abilities once again in regards to coping and parenting. Within the hours of a day I cannot fathom how many emotions a person can roller coaster through !

I am going to try and practise daily, the art of the 'arts' ! 'Affirming, Releasing, Trusting and Surrendering' and see if this will help me ride through an overwhelming day with more ease.

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