Welcome to our life change journey

Hi ! Let us introduce oursleves ~ Donna 'mama', Genaveve 4, and Summer-Rain 2, 'Dovein'. This is the story of our lives and where it is taking us now. The 'now' (the change) is what is exciting and limitless in possibilities.
The purpose of this journey and the reasons why it is transpiring, I believe, will be aligned with many other people who may often feel like, just, 'surviving' another day in the chaos of the world rather than 'inspirationally' living it.
Experiment ~ Living in a 3 bedroom rental home @ $380 per week with too much stuff, a back yard without shade and lawns to mow, domestics galore and bills I cannot keep up with, VS; Travelling around 'Australia' in a 'Toyota Hiace Commuter Van', (fitted as a campervan), a wished for, sponsored, 'Camper Trailer' (DONE~ Ok, not sponsored but universally provided at a great price) , and our lives consolidated into several 15 litre containers !
Leave Date: August 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The 6week challenge

Can I realistically begin our travel journey experiment in 6weeks ? This is what I will need to accomplish to make this happen:

1) Get a border out to clear energy and space
2) Have Genaveves tonsils assessed by ENT and maybe taken out
3) Get a new washing machine from company under which it is still in warranty
4)   Sort through my entire life (scariest is paperwork) ~ categorizing into what we need to take, what we really need to keep to store, and what to sell or giveaway
5) Advertise and conduct a garage sale
4) Find a storage shed '3x3', good price, not an easy feat and a way to move items there
6) Sort all my mothers stuff that I am storing whilst she is in rehab, sell what she does not want and store the rest with mine
7) Find extra money to repair all van needs, alternator, leaking tailgate, rust etc
8) Find the money for a trailer, camper trailer tent preferable best option
9) Repair and nurture back yard from an attempted garden, swimming pool imprint and a mountain of items just hanging out there alone
10)  Clean, scrub, shine and repair all rental housing needs for inspection
11) Get my blog out into the world and my process further universally supported

HA ! There you have it and I am positive I have missed other things that will need to be done.

6weeks from today = the 30th April, 2010. 

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