Welcome to our life change journey

Hi ! Let us introduce oursleves ~ Donna 'mama', Genaveve 4, and Summer-Rain 2, 'Dovein'. This is the story of our lives and where it is taking us now. The 'now' (the change) is what is exciting and limitless in possibilities.
The purpose of this journey and the reasons why it is transpiring, I believe, will be aligned with many other people who may often feel like, just, 'surviving' another day in the chaos of the world rather than 'inspirationally' living it.
Experiment ~ Living in a 3 bedroom rental home @ $380 per week with too much stuff, a back yard without shade and lawns to mow, domestics galore and bills I cannot keep up with, VS; Travelling around 'Australia' in a 'Toyota Hiace Commuter Van', (fitted as a campervan), a wished for, sponsored, 'Camper Trailer' (DONE~ Ok, not sponsored but universally provided at a great price) , and our lives consolidated into several 15 litre containers !
Leave Date: August 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

The signs to finally initiate change

I have had guidance to travel around Australia since my husband left me with our 6mth old and just turned 3yr old in August of 2008 to live near his mother and with his girlfriend in Hawaii, woohoo lucky me ! It has been a challenging and self strengthening time ever since. I have been doing research and holding the intention that the trip would transpire when it was meant to.
It is now January 2010 and the universal signs are clearly telling me it is time. The girls, who are now, 4 and 2, Genaveve and Summer-Rain, and I did our 1st longer term experimental travel journey together over Xmas this year (3+weeks) having no idea where is was actually leading us ! We left in the 'Daewoo' station wagon (at least we had air con) literally packed to the roof to do the 'Peats Ridge' 4-day music festival to test our new studio style 8 man oztent for the 2nd time.
The 1st time was a weekend away in early December with approx 25 + other people in a beautiful spot in the 'Bundjalung National Park' just behind 'Woodburn'. The tea-tree lake one side and beautiful sand dunes, caves and the ocean, the other. It was so relaxing, exhilarting and freeing to be able to swim naked, give and recieve massages, share camp kitchen cooking duties, drum, sing and dance with a community of like minded souls.

At 'Peats Ridge' we were able to further explore the community group camping life stye again with our pretty big and not so 'fun' to put up tent ! I am sure it will get easier with each erection ! We are a group of about 15 people all connecting via the 'Australian Shamanic Network Group' (thanks to my cousin 'Kali' gathering us for this event), sharing a space right on the river, where ~ yay ! we get to be free again to nuddie swim, mud paint our bodies, drum, face paint and gather under the communal tarp area in between heading into the festival for a fabulous buffet of music, food and entertainment. This is how I am beginning to really enjoy life.

Our adventure then took us to the 'Blue Mountains' for a stay at a very close friends place 'Emily and Mick' and their beautiful offspring of 3, before heading back through Sydney with a 'nearly' manifested 'Babadez' 5 day 'Daka/Dakini Sexual Healing Practitioners' certificate under my belt ? Universe guided other wise.

From here we took the inroad into Armidale where my mother has been residing in the 'Freeman House' rehabilitaion center for the last 6mths. She was permitted leave to stay with the girls and I in a caravan park for a few days and it was here that the signs and momentum for manifesting a permanent change in some way began this entire journey and blog.
In a trinkety style 2nd hand store with very early records of 'Michael Jackson' and the crockery traditional version of the baby bunnykin bowls were all in good supply, was 'the book' that just energetically made home with me instantly. I could not afford the $10 'only' that it was but still it somehow got into my bag for only $5 thanks to the old fashioned style angelic gentlemen who sold it to me and gave Genaveve a book of her own. My book was, 'The Wishing Year' by Noelle Oxenhandler. That evening after reading the 1st chapter I sat down to list my 5 wishes for the year feeling motivated and inspired by this fresh new way of creating and manifesting change for the better by believing again in the simple power of the 'wish'.

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