Welcome to our life change journey

Hi ! Let us introduce oursleves ~ Donna 'mama', Genaveve 4, and Summer-Rain 2, 'Dovein'. This is the story of our lives and where it is taking us now. The 'now' (the change) is what is exciting and limitless in possibilities.
The purpose of this journey and the reasons why it is transpiring, I believe, will be aligned with many other people who may often feel like, just, 'surviving' another day in the chaos of the world rather than 'inspirationally' living it.
Experiment ~ Living in a 3 bedroom rental home @ $380 per week with too much stuff, a back yard without shade and lawns to mow, domestics galore and bills I cannot keep up with, VS; Travelling around 'Australia' in a 'Toyota Hiace Commuter Van', (fitted as a campervan), a wished for, sponsored, 'Camper Trailer' (DONE~ Ok, not sponsored but universally provided at a great price) , and our lives consolidated into several 15 litre containers !
Leave Date: August 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Complete trust with focused intent = limitless possibilities and freedom !

Here I sit on the eve of the 9th of September 2010 completely behind in photos and the mechanical details of how I got here but will soon have the space to truly reflect and document soon (still some serious sorting to do - piles of stuff in brothers carport that is completely unrealistic to be travelinig with, am in the final stages of detachment and culling to achieve a more advanced sense of freedom)

However...... I am here free of most the stuff, the bills, the house and the usual daily expectations and routines. We officially moved out on the 6th and have since been in limbo as to the reality of where this journey can take us. The synchronicities that occurred on particular dates and days had me in a complete state of trusting and continued manifestations. So on that I have been gifted my super and on my way to final repairs and 'jobs' that need doing on both van and camper trailer with the skillful support and hosting of my dear brother Aaron.

Thank-you universe, mother earth, loving and positively supportive family and friends for getting me here - I am in love with the magic of belief and manifestion and know I am following a purpose in each and every present moment 'already' lols ! It's only been 3 days - and truly inspiring as to what is possible in such short periods of time ........

Friday, August 20, 2010

Climbing the rigging to get the mast Up ready for the high winds !

So so so cannot believe the true position we are in - ok - 'reality' !

I am sitting in my house after the 2nd day of my 'final' 3 day garage sale and having sold my washing machine, microwave and other items I felt a pull in detaching from I am now stressing that I still have soooooo much stuff and only 10 days to consolidate and 'be out of here' ! YES, I have given my 3 weeks notice and am truly about to embark on either complete freedom or a completely disastrous far more chaotic existence !

There is a ton of sorting, cleaning, repairing, moving larger items, tip visits, picking up camper trailer (whole day process)  and paperwork that I seriously have no idea 'how' this is all going to be possible. I still do not know where I will be storing our personals and not sure if I will even be able to sell everything else in time ~ if not I guess I am truly meant to detach and give away whatever cannot be stored or sold.

Am praying and manifesting for the universe to allow me an early release on my superannuation to help my journey and make heading off relaxed and supported.

I am really starting to look at how I have been living, the daily routines, what changes and what doesnt and will be documenting this lifestyle as soon as I can so that a true comparison can take place.

Exit Date: 31st August ~ we will head to the local brunswick heads caravan park for a 2-4 weeks before tuning into guidane as to where to go next and am super excited to see if our set-up can truly work on the longer term basis of travelling for 1-2 years.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Really Dematerialing !

Wow ~ the universe truly does rock and roll with you when you live a commitment. I am down to only needing to sell the white goods and a few bits and pieces that I am happy to donate. I need to manifest  storage space for our personal plastic containers and a few small pieces of furniture ~ yay ! Selling a 'big' chunk of my stuff to my brother and sister and their combined 11 children at a great price for them feels amazing to help them out and know all my nieces and nephews will have a lovely 'huge' comfy lounge to sit on, new drawers, big T.V etc,  upgrading their material lives whilst we dematerialise almost completely !

I am looking so forward to comparitively living this 2nd life style and documenting changes, challenges, creative commitments, promised play and what the truth of freedom really feels like. I am looking for the journey that will contribute to me being the best parent I can be for all the right reasons and reviewng why I felt I could not be entangled in the materialistic, scheduled normal home rental home environment we all mosty live in.

Stay tuned for our current lists of living and how these will compare to living as we travel and connect with others on the road:

What items we use the most
What foods we eat
How the girls imaginitively play
What toys the play with
Who our people connections are
How I play/interact with the girls
How I develop/nurture myself
What creative outlets I have
How much energy is spent on cleaning
Costs of living
What creates my stress
The qulaity of our time spent together
What stresses the girls out most
etc etc etc

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Getting Closer

The perfect 'Camper Trailer' manifested ~ a 'Trek Kudu' with a lockable lid, tailgate kitchen, water tank, pull out canvas tent and dolphins swimming on each side ! Multiple projects currently underway like tributaries making their way towards each other with gathering speed to connect and flow down the main river in unison and harmony.  The making of the awning for the van, the mini roof rack for the camper trailer, the paintwork for the van, the materials for the building of creative storage solutions (Thanking my brother 'Aaron' for his skill here)  the decision to detach from the majority of our belongings and the true confrontations of 'why' I am doing this !

So much personal stuff I am still working through and have no idea if I am suppose to be working through it all now, part of it now or if it is apart of the journeys purpose ? Can only keep reminding myself that being present to each moment will ensure all the answers I need.

I am looking very forward to creating a running record of 'how' we are currently living ~ what upsets me, stresses me and takes me away from being present, what upsets the girls, what makes them happy, how do they use their imagination and what toys do they play with the most.

Feeling very strongly about leaving in August sometime still.

So, here is the 'love dove' van and the 'dolphin rider' trailer ~ we look foward to meeting and connecting with many people on our journey and I look forward to writing my books, articles, my travel website and the development of this blog.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cannot go to bed without sharing

I am so sorry blog for neglecting you of late, please forgive me X Truly though, once you start a blog you do feel a commitment and the guilt that goes with neglect and also the highs of staying tuned in and keeping up to date ~ kind of like keeping your mother, spouse or children in the loop of your life.

So a teeny update of the last few weeks ~ the surgery was hard for me to digest and work on my self healing abilities as I have not been on top of my own personal game in the last few months of my life. However, I have healed well and have been creating shifts of change without even knowing it. Tonight has been my biggest shift after watching the dvd 'Maos Last Dancer'. I feel I have been renewed and rewired in my thoughts, self commitments and my own personal drive and purpose. So much of what I have been holding onto and using so easily as excuses for the 'why' I have not been on top of my game has just slipped off me leaving me naked and excited to 'be' who 'I' want to be, so my instincts are telling me to prep for a bit of a ride as the universe speeds up it's connections to what is meant to be !

I have been guided that our journey will now begin in the first week of August, after Genaveve's 5th birthday part, which is on the 1st August, ofcourse the self planning of her big party does kind of help the guidance process !  I trust and feel that everything will be falling into place for that week.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Surgical Insights !

Wow ! I had 'no idea' what kind of surgery I was up for ~ 3hrs on an inner ear, cut from the outer ear ~ 'ouch' and even more 'ouee' (as Summer describes pain) as I recover  ! Today is Sunday ~ day 3 after surgery and still as sore as it is, has been an incredibly enlightening and life changing process. The lack of compassion I received from some of the nursing staff, my drugged out visions and the pain experienced have opened my eyes to connecting with the power we truly have over what we do to our bodies as our vehicles to life, and a depth in my own compassion that I have never seen before.

I feel blessed to be alive, the mother to my magnificent girls and who I am to everyone I know. I am overwhelmed with joy at the possibilities life holds and know that on every down there is always an up, an awesome insight, lesson or strength to be gained.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today is the delay clearing the way !

Today is my ear surgery ~ another big step forward in clearing away so much of the 'old' ~ something that has had some kind of impact for most of my life ~ so, here's to clearing away and truly moving forward towards the life change journey of a lifetime !

Saw a great dvd last night as an incredible reminder of how we have truly been brain washed in our food and drug consumptions ~ 'Food Matters' trailer: Food Matters.  It really is just a matter of taking responsibility ~ I know this dvd has kicked my butt ~ at least 51% for me and my girls as often as possible now ~ worth comitting to and havng the power yourself to change for you !

As of yesterday have a camper trailer company that may be interested in supporting my journey with a possible deal ~ so here's to the universe supporting us and creatng a win win relatonship for all ! Asking for all to be divinely provided effortlessly ~ Thank-You universe X